3 Factors To Account For When Choosing An Access Control System

Posted on: 15 June 2022

Security is often the top priority for securing your business needs and trade secrets if you are a business leader. As such, if you have many staff and clients walking in and out of the building, keeping track of them can be challenging. However, with an access control system, you will know who is in the company building at all times. The access control system allows you to install CCTV cameras at the access points, thus helping spot and deter trespassers from entering the premise. [Read More]

4 Reasons You Should Install Security Cameras At Home

Posted on: 29 March 2022

As a responsible homeowner, you are always looking for ways to improve your property. Besides landscaping, paving, and repainting structures, you might want to focus on improving safety and security. Fortunately, security cameras have become more affordable and accessible in recent years. If you want to invest in security cameras, here are reasons to proceed with your plans. 1. Make Your Home Burglar Proof Since you have worked so hard to acquire your possessions, it is important to take necessary measures to protect them against theft and burglary. [Read More]

Top 4 Reasons For Regularly Testing Your Fire Alarm

Posted on: 2 December 2021

The importance of a fire alarm system for your home or commercial building cannot be stressed enough. It can save lives, minimize property damage, and alert fire authorities if a fire breaks out.  That said, you don't install a fire alarm expecting a fire to break out every other month. In fact, it may take years before you witness a fire incident, or you may never witness one at all. But this doesn't mean you should ignore your fire alarm. [Read More]

Signs You Should Upgrade Your Commercial Security System

Posted on: 29 July 2021

Investing in a high-tech commercial security system guarantees a competitive edge and unfettered growth for your business. If you've spent a decade achieving outstanding success, you can't afford to lose the glory if your patents and sensitive business information is compromised or stolen. Ideally, the cost of upgrading the obsolete security system is just a fraction of what it costs to recover lost inventory or equipment. Security advancements come and go. [Read More]