Maintenance Tips For Business Fire And Safety Systems
Posted on: 2 December 2015
A properly functioning fire alarm system isn't just a legal requirement for your business, it's a necessary component in an overall employee and customer safety plan. Proper maintenance, combined with an understanding of your system, helps ensure that everything remains in proper working order. The following tips can help you keep your system in peak condition.
Tip #1: Understand What You Have
The type of fire system you have depends on many factors, including local code and your business needs. As a bare minimum, most businesses have detector alarms, pull alarms, and fire extinguishers. They may also have a suppression system, such as overhead sprinklers. Light up, battery exit lights and posted pictures of emergency exit plans are also part of the fire system and are usually required in businesses. By verifying which components are a part of your system you will be better able to make sure everything stays in proper working order and that nothing is overlooked.
Tip #2: Keep a Maintenance Log
You should also have a maintenance log that is kept in a memorable and accessible area. This vital bit of paperwork not only ensures that everything is being maintained properly and is working as it should, it can also help you catch problems with your system. This is because each activation of an alarm component is also logged. For example, if an alarm keeps going off in a certain area of a shop floor, you will notice the pattern. This may lead to the realization that a hot piece of equipment sits in this area, which is sending a false reading to the heat sensor on a fire alarm. A simple replacement for an alarm that uses sensors other than heat will correct the problem.
Tip #3: Perform Regular Inspections
Inspections are key to catching and correcting problems early. Local regulations and the age of your system will determine inspection frequency. The following are just a few necessary components of an inspection and maintenance visit:
Alarm testing and calibration.
Set and verify system sensitivity.
Check any call systems that report to local emergency systems.
Battery checks.
Check, fill, or replace fire extinguishers.
Test and repair of any overhead sprinkler components.
Verify that emergency exits are working and clear, and that the exit plan still applies.
Although you can do many of the inspection tasks yourself, it's a better idea to call in a fire inspection service, like Tri Communications Security Services Inc. They will have extensive knowledge of how system work and what problems to look for. You can then work with your service to ensure that you have the best safety mechanisms in place if disaster should strike.